Welcome to

The International Alphorn Festival of Nendaz



The following instruments are admitted:

  • Alphorn
  • Büchel

The instruments must be entirely made from wood, except the casing. Only wooden mouthpieces are allowed. It is not authorised to play in two tones.


The performance must be carried out in suitable attire (minimum black trousers and white shirt).
The groups and formation are not allowed to be directed. The performance must be known by heart, without music sheets. The competitors are permitted to play 5-6 trial notes before starting.
Time for the performance:

  1. solo or several alphorn performance minimum 2’20 maximum 4’
  2. solo or several Büchels performance minimum 1’30 maximum 4’


The performance is judged according to the following criteria:

  1. Quality of the sound
  2. Blowing technique - precision, mobility, intonation
  3. Interpretation I - dynamic, well phrased, articulation (balance between the different voices)
  4. Interpretation II - timing, tempo, agogic accent (rubato), rhythm (overall performance of formations made up of several voices
  5. Musical expression


In addition to performing as part of a group, each musician is permitted to perform a maximum two times more.

  1. a solo (Alphorn or Büchel)
  2. a duo, trio or quartet (Alphorn or Büchel)
  3. a solo Alphorn and a solo Büchel
  4. a solo (Alphorn or Büchel) and a duo, trio or quartet (Alphorn or Büchel)
  5. a duo, trio or quartet Alphorn and a duo, trio or quartet Büchel
  6. two duos, trios or quartets of different formations (Alphorn or Büchel)


The competition is divided into different categories:

1. Solos
- All new participants and those who have not reached the upper categories over the past two years.
- The first three from this category move up the following year to the champions category.
- The participants who obtain at least 20 points go directly into the «hors classe» the following year.
- In the case where several participants reach the «hors classe » category, the three best players will still go up a category. They will be selected according to regulations.

2. Groups
-Duos, trios, quartets and groups (min. 5 and max. unlimited) who are participating for the first time and all those who haven’t accessed higher categories over the past two years.
- The first three in this category move up to the champions category the following year.
- The participants whose score adds up to under 20 points go directly into the «hors classe» the following year.
- In the case where several participants reach the «hors classe » category, the three best players will still go up a category. They will be selected according to regulations.

3. Champions
- All participants, solos or groups, who were already in this category over the past two years, the last result obtained being the one taken into account.
- Participants whose score is under 20 points go directly into the «hors classe» the following year.
- The three poorest performances move down into the solo or group categories.
- Since the 2016 edition, solo champions are classified with the group champions in one category of champions.

4. « Hors classe »
- « Hors classe » All participants, solos or groups who obtain at least 20 points during a competition accede to this category.
- The two poorest performances descend into the Champions category. Results dating back to over two years are not taken into consideration.
- If a restrained number of participants does not permit the application of this clause, the Committee will take a decision, taking into account the points obtained.
- The criterion of 20 points is flexible and is respectively determined by the organizing committee.

5. Youth
- Young soloists under 16 years, proof of date of birth needed. Judged according to the same criteria as the other categories, they are classed in both the youth category and in the overall result.

The 20 point criteria is adjustable and determined respectively by the organising committee.

For the « hors classe » category, the solo champions and the group champions must complete the following information:

  • name of the group
  • names of the musicians

To remain in the category reached in a group, only the following musicians can be replaced:

  • for the duos: none
  • for the trios: one
  • for the quartets: two
  • for the groups: less than half

In the case where a group’s name is changed but remains with the same musicians, the category is not modified.


The competitors who do not respect the technical regulations of the festival will in no case be classified in the results.


For the grand final, the following competitors participate:

  • The 5 first solos from all the categories
  • The 5 first groups from all the categories

After the “Morceaux d’ensemble” of the morning, the finalists will be informed by the organising committee without being told their position and the time at which they will perform will be drawn for the final, that will determine the champion of the day (soloist or group).


The inscription deadline is mentioned on the inscription form and must be respected. Any modifications needed to be made after this date can be taken into consideration until the Sunday before the competition.

The inscription fee is fixed every year by the organising committee and must be paid on the inscription deadline.


The order in which the performances take place is drawn by computer, and considers those musicians who perform several times. This information is given in the morning of the competition, half an hour before the competition begins. The times are displayed at the event’s « information » stand. All the participants must inform themselves of their performing time. Latecomers will be disqualified.

The musician must present him/herself to the competition supervisor 15 minutes before his/her performance. The jury must at no moment know the name of the participant, as the jury is a blind one.

The participants from the youth category will perform one after the other just after the mid-day break.

The winner of the Youth category will perform on the Sunday afternoon; if he is one of the 5 best soloists from the Saturday (according to the number of points obtained), he is then considered a finalist and performs according to the draw.

The competition takes place on the Saturday and Sunday.